Lower Your Auto Insurance Rate

StepsYou Can Take to Reduce Your Policy Rates

Insurers often discount their rates in order to encourage good driving practices and the use of safety and security precautions. Depending on the insurance company, you can often lower your rates from 5 to 35 percent.

Sometimes the investment you make in your vehicle is worth the discount, and sometimes it's simply worth some peace of mind. For example, the purchase of anti-lock brakes merits a discount from nearly every insurer, but the discount probably will not pay for the brakes (which cost several hundred dollars) during the normal life of your vehicle. Anti-lock brakes are touted, nonetheless, as a life-saving feature ó a serious consideration when safety is a top priority.

Insurers generally offer discounts for:

You can also lower your auto insurance rates by requesting higher deductibles ó the amount of money you pay before you make a claim. Increasing your deductibles on collision and comprehensive coverage from $100 to $250, or even $500, will bring your rates down. Moreover, you may not need collision and comprehensive coverage if you drive an older car. Ask your agent which discounts are available to you.

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Information and resources:
Auto Insurance Quotes
No Fault Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance ABC's
A Closer Look at Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Definitions
Auto Insurance Discounts (definitions)
Auto Insurance Cost Variations
Steps to Lower Your Rate
Reasons for Cancellation
No Fault Insurance
Questions About Auto Insurance
Personal Protection Policy or PIP
Teenage Drivers
Minimum Liability Limits
Auto Insurance Tips
Cheap Auto Insurance
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